The AuPSA awards publication cost subsidies to early career researchers. AuPSA supports the following four forms and costs of publication.
- Publishing costs (especially printing costs) for the publication of dissertations and master theses
- Costs for English-language editing and proofing for the publication of dissertations and master’s theses
- Costs for English-language editing of peer-reviewed journal articles
- Costs for Open Access publications, insofar as these are not covered by other grants (e.g., from universities)
Being awarded the funding is linked to the following criteria:
- AuPSA membership (only one application may be submitted per member per year)
- Fulfilment of the eligibility conditions and submission of all documents
- In the case of journal articles: Publication in the last twelve months (Note: The cut-off date for the calculation of the 12-month period is the day of the submission)
- Quality of the content of the work/article
- Relevance or innovative content for the political science topic
The board of the AuPSA decides on the allocation of funding in its meetings. Award meetings take place in January, March, June, and November. The documents for the award meetings must be received at least one week before the respective award meeting.
In urgent cases, the Executive Board may also decide on an application by circular resolution. The maximum individual funding amount is €500.
The AuPSA can award a maximum of €1,500 in publication subsidies per calendar year.
The funding amount of the AuPSA may not exceed the actual financing requirements minus all other grants (subsidies, grants, sponsorships, etc.). In any case, donations from third parties must be notified to the AuPSA immediately.
Sponsors of the ÖGPW publication subsidy are invited to publish an article in the Austrian Journal of Political Science (OZP).
Documents required for the application:
1) Curriculum vitae
(2) For dissertations (to be submitted before printing):
– Written confirmation from the publisher (proof of printing costs)
– Proof of editing costs
– Table of contents and a summary of the book manuscript
– (Preliminary) book manuscript
– Review of the dissertation
(3) For journal articles (to be submitted after publication):
– Proof of editing costs
– Full contribution and exact date of publication
– Peer review comments
(4) Detailed breakdown of the total costs of publication as well as all other funding applications or commitments
Applications are open all year round!
Please send them by e-mail to the General Secretariat of the AuPSA: office.oegpw(at)