Supporting early career researchers is a cornerstone of the work at AuPSA. Upon request, travel allowances are awarded to ECRs AuPSA members. Financial support can be received by members of the ÖGPW who present a paper at a conference (preferably abroad) as part of their work on their thesis or immediately after its completion (max. 9 months). Travel expenses to summer/winter schools are also funded, provided that the supervisor confirms the relevance of the dissertation project. To the extent that sufficient funds are available. In exceptional cases, BA and MA students as well as – NEW! – Post-docs (max. 6 years after completion of the dissertation) apply for a travel allowance to participate in conferences and summer/winter schools, provided that sufficient funds are available and a reference letter has been submitted by a supervising lecturer (in the case of BA and MA students).

There are no submission deadlines, applications are possible at any time. Please send them by e-mail to the General Secretariat of the ÖGPW: office.oegpw(at), postal address: Josefstädter Straße 39, 1080 Vienna. The board of the ÖGPW decides on the allocation of funding. The documents for the award meetings must be received at least one week before the respective award meeting (in January, March, June, and November). In urgent cases, a decision on an application can be made by circular resolution.

Funding amount: Up to €400. An exceedance is possible in justified exceptional cases. Donations from third parties must be notified to the ÖGPW immediately. It is assumed that the most affordable means of transport are chosen. A payment can only be made to the applicant.

Successful funding applications are linked to the following criteria:

  • AuPSA membership
  • fulfilment of the funding conditions and submission of all documents
  • proof of acceptance of the conference paper by the conference organizers or relevance of the summer/winter school for the dissertation project (exception: students in the BA and MA: relevance for the thesis or academic success; Post-Docs: Relevance for current research)

The application must be submitted before the start of the trip. Subsequent submissions will not be accepted.

There are no submission deadlines, applications are possible at any time. Please send them by e-mail to the General Secretariat of the AupSA: office.oegpw(at)

The board of the AuPSA decides on the allocation of funding. The documents for the award meetings must be received at least one week before the respective award meeting (in January, March, June, and November). In urgent cases, a decision on an application can be made by circular resolution.

Funding amount: Up to €400. An exceedance is possible in justified exceptional cases. Donations from third parties must be notified to the AuPSA immediately. It is assumed that the most affordable means of transport are chosen. A payment can only be made to the applicant.

Required documents for the application:

  • Short curriculum vitae (max. two A4 pages)
  • Written confirmation of acceptance of the paper by the conference organizers/ information on the summer/winter school as well as confirmation of relevance for the dissertation project by the supervisor (exceptions for BA and MA students as well as post-docs: see point 3 of the eligibility criteria)
  • Current or last confirmation of enrolment (exception: post-docs)
  • Abstract of the conference paper (for conferences)
  • For BA and MA students: Reference letter from a university lecturer (e.g., supervisor of the BA or MA thesis) who supports the conference participation or participation in Summer/Winter School.
  • Detailed breakdown of the total costs of conference participation as well as all other funding applications or commitments. Travel expenses will be reimbursed exclusively to the applicant upon presentation of the original receipts and all proof of payment. For the payment of the travel allowance, all documents (including a completed form; available from the General Secretariat) must be submitted unsolicited no later than one month after the funded event.

If you have any questions, please contact: office.oegpw(at)