TwinPolitics is an ERC-funded five-year research project led by Assoc-. Prof. Dr. Alice Vadrot. The central objective of TwinPolitics is to investigate the development of digital twins as a (geo)political phenomenon that could permanently transform the interface between science and politics. Digital twins are a method for analyzing complex systems and developing „what-if“ scenarios to accelerate the implementation of global sustainability goals. The TwinPolitics Team will critically assess how digital twins can contribute to more equitable practices of negotiating and implementing global environmental agreements in the future. The team will develop new methods to empirically investigate digital twins as socio-technical and political relationships and model their emergence at the interface between science and politics. To this end, the TwinPolitics research group will combine methods from ethnography and computational social science and apply them to digital ocean twins in the EU, China, and the USA. Ethnographic data will be collected at different policy levels and from various research sites to identify which features of digital twins promote inclusion, diversity, and equity, These will then be fed into socio-technical models. In a final step, the use of digital twins in multilateral negotiations will be tested using three examples: the International Seabed Authority, negotiations on a new UN plastics agreement, and negotiations on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity.

Application deadline: 07/24/2024

Please find the full tender here.

Bewerbungsfrist: 08.08.2024

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